Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128-9 million children, adolescents, and adults
Kazakhstan: coronary and structural heart interventions from 2010 to 2015/
Morbidity, Disability and Death Rates of The Population Due to Malignant Neoplasms in Uralsk City in The Republic of Kazakhstan
Features of Malignancy Prevalence among Children in the Aral Sea Region
The Incidence of Malignant Tumors in Environmentally Disadvantaged Regions of Kazakhstan
A Structural and Functional Model for Forming Management Skills in Junior Schoolchildren
Determinants of smoking and desire to quit in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Prevalence of potentially adverse drug-drug interactions in hospitals of West Kazakhstan
Psychological assistance of communicative competence development in a prospective specialist in the conditions of pedagogical and medical universities
Induced vaginal birth after previous caesarean section
State of Actual Food Adult Working Population
The Content of Heavy Metals in the Soil in Aktobe City
Microelement status in children with enlarged thyroid gland in west kazakhstan region
The risk of Intrauterine infections in newborns in Aktobe Region of KazakhstanThe risk of Intrauterine infections in newborns in Aktobe Region of Kazakhstan
First cases of Pompe’s disease in Kazakhstan
Metroplasty for obstetric peritonitis, arising in the background suture failure of the uterus
Determination of the air pollution index of atmospheric air in Aktobe
The pesticide Lindane induces dose-dependent damage to granulosa cells in an in vitro culture
Age and Spatial Peculiarities of Non-neoplastic Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue in Kazakhstan, 2003-2015
Keeping Babies with Jaundice Syndrome in Primary Health Care
Assessment of health care quality by population of Almaty: A cross-sectional studyAssessment of health care quality by population of Almaty: A cross-sectional studyAssessment of health care quality by population of Almaty: A cross-sectional study
Influence of Boron Compounds on Chromium-induced Hemorheology Disorders in Rats Chromium-induced Hemorheology Disorders in Rats
Uric acid metabolism disorder in case of metabolic syndrome
Hair trace element composition in 6 – to 12 – year – old children with goiter in west Kazakhstan, a province of the republic of Kazakhstan
Protective Effect of Sodium Tetraborate on Chromium-induced Brain Damage in Rats
Managerial competence of future specialists of the education system (Preschool education and upbringing) and medicine in the comparative aspect (Article)
[Competenciagerencial de futurosespecialistas del sistemaeducativo (Educaciónpreescolar y educación del hogar) y medicina en el aspectocomparativo]
New arguments for beneficial effects of alpha-lipoic acid on the cardiovascular system in the course of type 2 diabetes
Radiation environment of Kazakhstan’s Aktobe region territory
Impact of chromium and boron compounds on the reproductive function in rats
Risks to Health of the Population of the Nonindustrial City from Quality of Atmospheric Air
Study of dispensary patients of working age with circulatory system diseases through the automated control systems
Immunomorphological aspects of bacterial sensitization in the experiment
Results of kidney transplantation in Aktobe region of Kazakhstan
Current state of brain stroke problem in the West Kazakhstan Region
Causes of development and clinical course of respiratory tuberculosis in adolescents with agent resistant
Determining Factors and Ways to Improve Physical Education for the First and Second Year Female Students
The condition of the cervix in women living in oil and gas bearing areas
Hypertension of pregnancy associated with hypergomocysteinemia of the first trimester of pregnancy
Histological and morphological characteristics of the prepuce of penis skin structure in different age groups
New treatment of ureaplasmosis in pregnant women
Influence of altiazem pp-180 on hemodynamic parameters in arterial hypertension patients under outpatient conditions
The Poetrical Genre Of Kazakh Literature - The Dedication (Arnau)
Simvastatin attenuates the aberrant expression of angiogenic factors induced by glucose variability
The impact of dapagliflozin on glucose excursions related to early proatherogenic derangement in the aortic wall
State of human resourcing for outpatient-and-polyclinic institutions conducting medical inspections of the population
Assessment of the adequacy of dietary nutrition of medical university students
Effect of homocysteine on pregnancy: A systematic review
Assessment of adequate iodine availa-bility to the population of west Kazakhstan based on the data of inorganic iodine in urinary excretion
Morphological Component of Uterine Leiomyoma Pathogenesis
Analysis of health professionals and patients opinions about information systems in public health through a sociological survey
Radiological Evaluation of Endodontic Treatment of Chronic Apical Periodontitis using Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Biomaterial
Prognostic accuracy of cerebroplacental ratio for adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated with severe pre-eclampsia; a prospective cohort study
Comment on An Intrauterine Gestational Sac Surrounded by Thin Myometrium at Fundus
Cervical injection for sentinel lymph nodes detection in endometrial cancers is controversial
Congenital cystic lung malformation in newborns
Treatment of iron deficiency and iron defciency anemia with intravenous ferric carboxymaltose in pregnancy
Influence of a health technology assessment on the use of pediatric cochlear implantation in Kazakhstan
Occupational health and safety risk assessment
Development of scientifically justified proposals on the prevention and treatment of environmentally determined constitutional growth delay in children in the West Kazakhstan region
Intra‑leiomyoma hemorrhage in postmenopausal woman presented with acute abdominal pain
Prevalence of DNA viruses in maxillofacial area of HIV infected (Review) [Porazhennost' DNK-virusamicheliustno-litsevoĭoblastibol'nykh s VICh-infektsieĭ]
The toxicity of lindane in the female reproductive system: a review on the aral sea
Complications associated with higher order compared to lower order cesarean sections
Seroprevalence of markers of hepatitis B virus infection, associated factors, and vaccination status in young adults in Arkhangelsk, Northwest Russia: A population-based cross sectional study
Descriptivestatisticsusing R
Outcome of the vaginal birth after cesarean section during the second birth order in West Kazakhstan
Cesarean section scar dehiscence during pregnancy: Case reports
Human Papillomavirus related issues in western Kazakhstan: protocol for a comprehensive study
Herpesvirus infection in development of hemorrhagic vasculitis in children (Literature Review)
Regarding "Spontaneous Cornual Pregnancy after Homolateral Salpingectomy for an Earlier Tubal Pregnancy: A Case Report and Literature Review"
Effect of intravenous iron sucrose on hemoglobin level, when administered in a standard dose, to anemic pregnant women in rural Northern India
Risk factors, microbiology, and management of infected lymphocyst after lymphadenectomy for gynecologic malignancies: letter to the editor
Uterine suspension using I. Abdelazimsacrohysteropexy technique for treatment of uterine prolapse: Case series
Regarding "Technique for the Laparoscopic Management of a Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy"
Regarding "Laparoscopic Management 4 Cases of Recurrent Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy and Review of Literature,".
Heme-bound iron in treatment of pregnancy-associated iron deficiency anemia.
Analysis of categorical variables using R
Letter to the Editors – Correspondence: Management of a cornual ectopic pregnancy
Effect of an educational intervention on the number potential drug-drug interactions
Immunohistochemical evaluation of cardiac angiogenesis of mice exposed to sodium dichromate and lindane
Biochemical variability of vitamin d receptor (Vdr) gene and its relationship with bone mineral density in children of the western region of the republic of kazakhstan
Tuberculosis morbidity and mortality in the Aktobe province of Kazakhstan for the period 2008-2017
Comments on Manuscript: Interstitial and Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy: Conservative Surgical and Medical Management
Health promotion program for the students with regard to the level of their physical activity, physical fitness and health
Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults
Management of dyslipidaemia in patients with coronary heart disease: Results from the ESC-EORP EUROASPIRE V survey in 27 countries
Инфекционныйэндокардит, осложненный спондилодисцитом Infectiousendocarditisсomplicatedspondilodiscitis
Labor induction in women diagnosed with preeclampsia
Congenital dilatation of the nasolacrimal sac (Dacryocystocele): Case report.
Abdelazim and Shikanova suggested protocol of Ain Shams and West Kazakhstan Universities for management of delayed-interval delivery of the second twin: Case report.
Comments on the manuscript entitled: Laparoscopic treatment of cornual heterotopic pregnancy: A retrospective cohort study.
Pain in advanced stages of dementia: The perspective of medical students
HPV types distribution in general female population and in women diagnosed with cervical cancer across western Kazakhstan
[Factors associated with atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertension and preserved left ventricle systolic function].
Comorbidity of the metabolic syndrome: Hyperuricemia, gallstone disease, hormonal disorders
Successful Procedure in Conservative Management of Interstitial (Cornual) Ectopic Pregnancy
Sentinel lymph nodes in endometrial cancer update 2018
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Assessing the Health of People Living in Environmentally Adverse Conditions
Successful management of severe preeclampsia major complications: Case report
Prenatal diagnosis of single umbilical artery complicated by intrauterine growth retardation and preterm labor: Case repor
Abdelazim and Sakiyevaendocrinopathy associated with polycystic ovary syndrome: Case reports.
Intravenous ferric carboxymaltose for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia: Letter to Editor.
Nobility in the linguistic consciousness of Russians and Kazakhs
Open cornual resection versus laparoscopic corneal resection in patients with interstitial ectopic pregnancies
Current Trends for Improving Safety of Stereotactic Brain Biopsies: Advanced Optical Methods for Vessel Avoidance and Tumor Detection
Iron deficiency states in children and adolescents with celiac disease: Structure, clinical, anthropometric and morphological parallels
Dna damage and their connection with ex cessive body mass and obesity (review)
Effect of Sodium Tetraborate on Oxidative Damages in Heart Tissue in Chromium Intoxication
Differentiated approach to surgical treatment of cholelithiasis complicated by choleducholithiasis and obstructive jaundice
Development of scientifically justified proposals on the prevention and treatment of environmentally determined constitutional growth delay in children in the West Kazakhstan region
Validation of Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Thiamazole in Liquids by Dissolution Test for the Transdermal Form
Anti-interferon-beta antibodies in Polish multiple sclerosis patients: prevalence and clinical significance in a long-term prospective study
Cervical screening in Western Kazakhstan: Liquid-based cytology ‘Cell Scan’ versus azur-eosin staining
Analysis of Transcriptome, Selected Intracellular Signaling Pathways, Proliferation and Apoptosis of LNCaP Cells Exposed to High Leptin Concentrations
Successful Pregnancy Outcome Immediately after Methotrexate Treatment for Cesarean Section Scar Pregnancy
Seroprevalence of markers of hepatitis C virus exposure and associated factors in adults aged 18-39 years in the Arctic Russian city of Arkhangelsk: a cross-sectional study
Ethnic variations in nutritional status among preschool children in northern Vietnam: A cross-sectional study
Using of rm-anova in r and spss software on the example of prospective analysis of glucose tolerance test results in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCAP) for building and managing databases for population-based biomedical studies
Medical research in Kazakhstan as perceived by researchers, health managers and practicing physicians
Clinical and pathological features of women with adnexal masses admitted as emergency cases to the Gynaecology Department of West Kazakhstan University